Sadhu Binning
Sadhu Binning is a bilingual author who was born in Punjab, India and has lived most of his life in the Vancouver area since migrating to Canada in 1967. He has published more than eighteen books of poetry, fiction, plays, translations and research. He is a central figure in the Punjabi arts community and was named one of the top 100 South Asians making a difference in BC. He is a founding member of Vancouver Sath, a theatre collective, Ankur and various other literary and cultural organizations. His works have been included in more than fifty anthologies both in Punjabi and English. He edited a literary Punjabi monthly Watno Dur and now co-edits a quarterly, Watan. He sat on the BC Arts Board from 1993 to 1995. He worked for more than a decade at the Canada Post office at Fraser & 43rd and many of his stories and poems were conceived while working there. In 2015, when he was named one of the luminaries in Vancouver Public Library’s Literary Landmarks project, a plaque honoring his literary contributions was installed on a lamppost on his postal route on Fraser St. He founded Punjabi Language Education Association in the mid-1990s and has been actively promoting Punjabi language in educational institutions in BC. He has presented papers on language, literature and culture in a number of national and international conferences. He taught Punjabi at UBC from 1988 to 2008. in May, 2019, Dr. Binning received an Honorary Doctor of Letters from UBC.