Phinder Dulai
Phinder Dulai is the author of three poetry collections – dream / arteries (Talonbooks, 2014), Basmati Brown (Nightwood Editions, 2000), and Ragas from the Periphery (Arsenal Pulp Press, 1995). Dulai is a consulting editor and member of the Talon Books’ Poetry Board, and serves as the poetry editor at Canadian Literature. He has given readings in Canada, USA and abroad; he is co-founder of the interdisciplinary contemporary arts group The South of Fraser Inter Arts Collective (SOFIA/c); and, was the lead design and faculty lead for Centering Ourselves – Writing In A Racialized Canada residency at the Banff Centre for the Arts and Creativity in 2017; (Canada’s first dedicated literary incubator for Black, Indigenous and People of Colour authors). Dulai’s work has been published in Canadian Literature, Offerings, Cue Books Anthology, Ankur, Matrix, Memewar Magazine, Rungh, The Capilano Review, Canadian Ethnic Studies, Toronto South Asian Review, subTerrain and West Coast LINE. More recently, his poetry was featured on the Poetry Wall project, a Matwaala Festival Project curation in partnership with the Think India Foundation and the Smithsonian’s project “Beyond Bollywood”.